Friday, April 11, 2008

Invoking lilypond-book

A minimal LaTeX file contains these four lines.


A minimal lilypond-book file contains these seven lines.

\new Staff { c'4 }

The lilypond context inserts in .tex documents directly.

Process lilypond-book docs like this.

lilypond-book --pdf --output=out test.tex
cd out
pdflatex test.tex
open test.pdf

Invoking lilypond-book with the --pdf option tells lilypond-book to generate a postprocessed version of test.tex named test.tex together with a number of helper files necessary to create some final .pdf.

Note that invoking lilypond-book with the --pdf option does not tell lilypond-book to create a .pdf directly; further processing with pdflatex is still required.

1 comment:

Dave MH said...

thank you for this! :)